1. Weekly Blog 每周播报

    :eyes: MIT Technology Review Reading Notes

    2018/12/14 Weekly_Blog

  2. Weekly Blog 每周播报

    :eyes: 学习资源 Crash Cousrse 公开课,天文地理

    2018/12/07 Weekly_Blog

  3. Weekly Blog 每周播报

    :eyes: My first MeetUp with St. Louis Machine Learning & Data Science Group

    2018/11/30 Weekly_Blog

  4. WJY 和 MXY 的阅读书目记录 Our reading record

    我们决定记录下每本读完的书,哪怕每天一点点 2018年11月25日启动记录

    2018/11/25 读书

  5. Weekly Research Note(2018-11-24~11-30)

    综合Fog computing + ML + IoT attack/anomaly detection 三者的研究论文方向: system architecture: 提供三者的组成关系 ML/DL methods: detection的方法有不同 study cases: 针对不同的应用或者网络环境,例如smart city, vehicle; cellular network, sensor network, low power wide area networks fog computing management: how to dynamically orchestrate system components/ manage computing resources/ security problem of edge servers themselves.

    2018/11/24 Research

  6. Bin Packing Algorithm 笔记

    Bin packing problem How to pack different sizes of objects into bins? each bin has constant volume try to use least number of bins to pack all the object

    2018/05/21 algorithms

  7. BlockChain 区块链原理 简易版

    Blockchain 的原理

    2018/01/24 blockchian

  8. Windows10 + Ubuntu16.04双系统安装教程

    Windows10 加 Ubuntu16.04 双系统 安装指南(UEFI启动)– 血与泪的教训

    2017/11/23 操作系统